The Reconciliation task would be used for the following scenarios:
From the task type screen, select Reconciliation.
Enter a unique task name here. Task names must be unique to a project.
Click Add a New Step to define a reconciliation step.
Enter a unique reconciliation step description here.
Enter the completeness tolerance %.
This tolerance measures the overall completeness of the reconciliation of the source and target datasets. The value can be between 0-100.
For example, if you enter zero (0) as a tolerance percentage then it is saying that you tolerate 0% difference. These datasets must match. If there are any errors or orphans the job will fail.
Select the source data set. Predefined datasets will be listed here.
Select whether it is a One to or a Many to table.
Source datasets must be created first before you can select it from the drop down.
An example of a many side:
Select the destination data set. Predefined datasets will be listed here.
Select whether it is a One or a Many table.
Destination datasets must be created first before you can select it from the drop down.
An example of a one side:
Select the required options.
The available options are:
Define the rules on the source and target columns for the reconciliation step.
There must be at least one Match case.
Once a compare match type is selected, the accuracy tolerance options will display. Select an accuracy type. This is the accuracy of the result by row.
The available accuracy type options are:
Enter the tolerance value.
When you have entered all the necessary reconciliation step details, click the Save This Step.
Toggle to show or hide the advance settings. Advanced settings are different for each task type.
Select Subject Area for the task if applicable. Refer to Using a Subject Area for more information.
You can choose to select task logging.
Select a logging level. Logging options vary depending on the task type selected.
The available logging options for a Reconciliation task type are:
If you have both job logging and task logging on- when job logging is set to Standard then the task logging option will override this. Otherwise job logging will always take precedence.
When you have entered all the necessary task details, click Save.
An information box will appear to confirm that the task has been successfully saved. Click Close.
New tasks are added to the bottom of the list as Enabled.