This section provides instructions on how to setup Loome Integrate with Kepion integration.
Create a Loome Integrate (Loome Integrate) Service Account on both the SQL Server and Analysis Server with the same Admin rights. Refer to Back End Prerequisites for more information
Setup job. Refer to Adding a Job for more information.
Setup connection. Refer to Connections for more information
Setup task. Refer to Adding a Kepion Data Migration Task for more information
Always setup a SQL Statement Task (to backup the database) as the first step in any Kepion Job when you are loading dimensions.
Always setup a XMLA Command Task (to Process All Kepion database Cubes) as the second last step on any Kepion Job to view any errors.
Always setup a SQL Statement Task (to restore the database) as the last step and have a dependency on the Process All Kepion database Cubes error.