Asset Metadata

What is asset metadata?

Loome Publish gives you the flexibility to define and name groups or tags according to your organisation’s needs. Asset metadata can be used to identify a keyword or topic of interest and facilitate a search for it. Asset metadata can also be used to logically group BI Assets. A common way to define asset metadata is by business departments and sub departments.

For example, for a retail business this could be:

step 1

Another way to define asset metadata is by use of data.

For example, a business might use Loome Publish as a governance framework and their asset metadata might look like this:

step 2

Term sets and terms can be set up in Loome Publish to suit different businesses.

Metadata for assets can be customised and managed under Settings > Metadata.

How do I add a term set?

Click the Settings cog icon at the top right hand corner.

Select Metadata.

step 3

In the example below, we are going to add a new term set called ‘Sensitivity’.

step 4

Click Add Term Set.


Enter a name for the term set (required).

We will name this new term set ‘Sensitivity’.

Use this term set with these areas of the application:

Select the areas in the application where this new term set should appear.

These areas are optional. You can also make multiple selections.

  • BI Assets
  • Help Desk Requests
  • Asset Discussions
  • Data Catalogue

We will select ‘BI Assets’ for this term set.

Application Areas term set will appear

This term set has these features:

Select the features for the new term set.

These features are optional. You can also make multiple selections.

  • Use as a slicer - make the term set and its terms a slicer option.

  • Show on navigation menu - this will make the term set show on the left-hand menu dropdown. (This will be enabled by default.)

  • Multi Select - allow more than one term to be selected.

  • Is a required field - make this term set a required field.

We will select the ‘Use as a slicer’ and ‘Is a required field’ options.

Term set features

Click Save Term Set.

How do I make a term set a Navigation Menu Filter?

In the Navigation menu is a drop-down where you can switch between term sets and filter the BI Catalogue by these different term sets.

On your chosen term set, under ‘Use this term set with these areas of the application’ click on BI Assets.

Under ‘This term set has these features’ choose Show on navigation menu and Use as a slicer.

It will be added into the top-right drop-down list in the navigation menu and can also be used as a slicer.

Making a term set a Navigation menu filter

How do I add terms to my term set?

Click on the term set you want to add terms to.

Click Add Child Term.

Add a child term

Enter a name for the term (required).

We will name this term ‘Classified’.

Name term classified

You can also choose to add an audience (optional) and manager (optional) for this term.

An audience will restrict the assets and entities that users can see when this term is applied. Only the users selected here will be able to view assets and entities that are attached to this current term and all child terms. Learn more about audience targeting below.

If you select a manager, they will be able to manage this term and all child terms. This is used to delegate management of a term and all child terms. For example, a marketing manager can be assigned as a manager of the term ‘Marketing’ and all subsequent child terms. Learn more about term managers below.

Repeat the above to add another term.

Name term unclassified

We will name the second term ‘Unclassified’.

Save the new term.

The new term set and terms will appear in the BI Asset information.

Any new assets created will now require this additional metadata tag.

If you would like to change the order of terms in a termset, you can drag and move terms to be in your preferred order.

Apply a term to an asset

Choose an asset and click on Information.

info button

Then Edit the asset.

edit button

Click on Metadata from the tabs at the top.

Find the termset you want to edit and click on Edit.

Edit field

Choose the term you want to apply to this asset and click Close at the bottom right.

Then click Save Changes at the bottom-right of your asset to save.

Save asset changes

This asset is now classified with this term.

Applied metadata

Here is an example of the new term set used as a slicer.

step 8

The slicer here is filtering on all assets that have the term ‘Classified’ for the ‘Sensitivity’ term set.

You can also filter these assets via the term sets in the navigation panel.

Navigation panel filter

Please note that a term or term set cannot be deleted while it is attached to any assets.

How do I target an Audience using metadata?

You can learn more about audience targeting on the Loome website.

Audiences allow you to restrict which accounts and security groups can see a selected term in the navigation. This is especially helpful when tailoring a navigation experience to individuals or departments within your business. Audiences apply to the selected term and all its associated child terms.

Click on the + icon next to (NAVIGATION) to drop down the navigation terms.

Select the term you wish to assign an audience to.

You will see an Edit button which will allow you to add audiences or groups.

asset metadata audience

Start typing a name, and the user will appear in a drop down menu of suggestions.

A list of users and groups will appear as you type.

Select the user or group you want to grant permissions to.

List of users/groups

Once you have completed your audience selection, click Close.

You will now see the targeted audiences listed next to the Edit button.

audience metadata 4

To delete an audience, click the Edit button. Click the X next to the user/group name to remove the targeted audience.

These newly assigned audiences will now be the only users/groups that will be able to view the reports under the term within the navigation menu.

Click Save this Term.

How do I delegate control of metadata terms?

Administrators can delegate control of a metadata term or termset and allow a user as a Manager to edit and add new terms to their allocated term or termset. This will give the assigned user additional permissions in regards to metadata, and will allow access to the metadata page to view their allocated terms and all child terms of these termsets.

Add a Tag Manager here

In the following image, a user was assigned as a Manager to the Subject Area termset and its child terms, and these are the only terms this user can see.

Metadata page when a user is assigned as a Manager

Changes a Manager can make to assigned metadata terms are as following.

  • Add child terms
  • Edit names of terms
  • Delete a term
  • Add an audience

How to Delete a Metadata Term

Click on Metadata in the top right-hand menu.

Metadata menu

This page will show all metadata terms.

Find the term you want to delete and click Delete this term.

Delete a term

You will be asked to confirm that you want to remove this term.

Confirm that you want to delete

If there are any terms that are associated with this term, it will display a list of these terms. You will need to remove its associations to delete this term.

The list will show the type of the asset or entity and you can click on its name to open it in a new tab. You can then change its associations.

It has associated terms

If there are no term associations, when you confirm and click Ok the term will be deleted.