How to renew a SSO certificate

What Happened?


Unable to login to Loome due to an expired SSO certificate.

Root Cause:

The client secret for the SSO certificate has expired.

How can you fix it?


You will need to generate and apply a new certificate by following these steps:

Please note that this process will restart the app service.

  1. Navigate to App registration in Azure Portal.
  2. Open your registered app for Loome.
  3. Navigate to Certificates & secrets.
  4. Under Client Secrets, generate a new client secret. sso2
  5. Copy the value of the new client secret. sso3
  6. Open the App Service in Azure Portal.
  7. Go to Settings > Environment Variables on the left menu.
  8. Find ‘AppKey’ and open it.
  9. Replace the Value with the new client secret you copied in the previous step. sso1
  10. Click on Apply on the slide out.
  11. Click on Apply on the bottom of the page.

Please note that this will restart the app service.