

The connector for Facebook provides developers easy access to Facebook data, including Events, Groups, Pages, Places, Posts, and more.

Connection String

To connect to Facebook, most tables require user authentication as well as application authentication. Facebook uses the OAuth standard to authenticate users. In addition to the connection string parameters, the Callback URL also should be specified for this connector. Set the OAuth Properties (OAuth Client ID and OAuth Client Secret). Set the CallBack URL also for this connector. Once the Callback URL is set the OAuthAccessToken will be generated in the connection string when you verify the connection using the Verify Connection option.

Connection String Parameters

Parameter Description
OAuthClientId Set this to the App Id in your app settings.
OAuthClientSecret Set this to the App Secret in your app settings.
OAuthAccessToken The access token for connecting using OAuth.
CallbackURL Set this to the Site URL in your app settings

Connecting to Facebook

Facebook uses the OAuth authentication standard. OAuth requires the authenticating user to interact with Facebook using the browser. To Connect to Facebook and obtain the OAuth credentials-

  1. Login to https://developers.facebook.com and select sign up, top right.
  2. Once the sign up process has been completed, click Add Product.

  1. Next section asks for your authentication call back URL. You can find the value you need to place, underneath the connection string box in your Loome Integrate tab.

  1. Create an Analytics type API.

  1. In the dashboard of your app, copy the App ID and App Secret. These correspond to the OAuth Client Id and OAuth Client Secret on your connection string.

Data Migrations

To check for the Data Migrations-

  1. Add a new connection in Loome Integrate as shown.

    • Go to Tasks and click on Connections.

    • Add a new connection using the Add New Connection option.

    • Choose ExcelFiles Connector from the available connector options.

  2. Using the connection string parameters created, verify the connection using the Verify Connection option in Loome Integrate.

After clicking Verify Connection the OAuth Tokens are generated in the connection string. You will be taken to the following Window. Choose the account, and give access by clicking on allow. You will be displayed with authorization successful window.

Once the connection is verified, insert the connection using the Insert option.

  1. Create a job using the Add a Job option in Loome Integrate. Add a data migration task to the job.

  2. Create a new task by right clicking job list and then the Add a New Task option. If you want to edit an existing task use the Edit Task option.

  3. Choose a Data Migration Task.

  4. Choose the source and the destination for the migration of data. Name the task.

  5. Choose the Tables or the data that need to be migrated from the source to the destination. You can choose to copy all tables from the source by checking the Copy All Tables checkbox. Save the task.

  6. Execute the job. Check for results and the details of the data migrated in Execution History.

Data Model

The Facebook Connector Converts Facebook APIs as relational Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures. API limitations and requirements are documented in this section; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations.


Below describes the available tables in Active Directory.

Name Description
Comments Create, update, delete, and query the Comments for a Target. Comments may also be inserted based on a Target or deleted based on Id.
Likes Create, delete, and query the Likes for a Target. Alternatively, lists Pages that the specified User or Page Likes. Authentication is required to use this table.
Milestones Create, update, delete, and query a list of Milestones for the given Page. Milestones may only be inserted, updated, or deleted when authenticating as the target Page.
Posts Create, delete, and query the Posts for a Target based on either the Target or Id. Posts can also be inserted based on a Target, or deleted based on Id. This table requires authentication.
Users Query Users by SearchTerms or Id.


Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates.

Name Description
AdAccounts Query the Ad Accounts available for a User. Accessing Ad Account information requires the ads_read permission.
AdCreatives Query information about an Ad Creative or the Ad Creatives on a specific Ad Account, Ad Set, or Ad. Accessing Ad Creative information requires the ads_read permission.
AdInsights Query an Ad Report. Accessing Ad Report information requires the ads_read permission.
AdInsightsActions Query an Ad Report. Accessing Ad Report information requires the ads_read permission.
Ads Query information about an Ad or the Ads in a specific Ad Set, Campaign, or Ad Account. Accessing Ad Information requires the ads_read permission.
AdScheduledReports Query the Scheduled Reports for a given Ad Account. Accessing Scheduled Report information requires the ads_read permission.
AdSets Query information about an Ad Set or the Ad Sets on a specific Campaign or Ad Account. Accessing Ad Set information requires the ads_read permission.
Albums Query Albums associated with a Target. Accessing Album information typically requires the user_photos permission.
Applications Retrieve data about the Application specified by the Id.
AuthorizedAdAccounts Ad Accounts authorized to run ads for your business on a specified app. This view requires that you have at least one business configured for your user id.
Books Query the Books a User is interested in. Accessing Book information typically requires the user_books permissions.
Campaigns Query information about a Campaign or the Campaigns on a specific Ad Account. Accessing Campaign information requires the ads_read permission.
Events Query the Events for a Target based on either the Target or SearchTerms. May require the user_events permission.
Friends Query Friends of the authenticated User or Target User. Requires the user_friends permission. A Target may be specified to request Friend information for, but Friends may only be retrieved for the authenticated User or Friends of the authenticated User that use the same Facebook app.
Games Query the Games a User is interested in. Accessing Game information may require the user_likes and user_interests permissions.
GroupMemberships Query the Groups based on the supplied GroupId. Groups may require the user_groups permission.
Groups Query the Groups based on the supplied SearchTerms, Id, or Target. Groups may require the user_groups permission.
InsightsByConsumptionType Allows retrieval of insights by consumption type.
InsightsByFeedbackType Allows retrieval of insights by feedback type.
InsightsByLikeSourceType Allows retrieval of insights by like source type.
InsightsByPaidStatus Allows retrieval of insights by paid status.
InsightsByReactionTotals Allows retrieval of insights by like source type.
InsightsByStoryType Allows retrieval of insights by like story type.
InsightsByTabType Allows retrieval of insights by tab type.
LeadValues Query information about a lead. Accessing Lead Information requires the ads_read permission.
Movies Query the Movies a User is interested in. Accessing Movie information requires the user_likes and user_interests permissions.
Music Query the Music a User is interested in. Accessing Music requires the user_likes and user_interests permissions.
Pages Query the Pages based on the supplied SearchTerms or Id.
Permissions Query the Permissions the User has granted the current application.
Photos Query Photos associated with a Target. Accessing Photo information typically requires the user_photos permission.
Places Query the Places based on the supplied SearchTerms or Id. Places are stored as Pages in Facebook.
ScheduledReportRuns Query a list of the recently completed runs of a given Scheduled Report. Accessing Scheduled Report information requires the ads_read permission.
SimpleInsights Allows the retrieval of simple insights with a single value in the response.
SimpleVideoInsights Allows the retrieval of simple video insights with a single value in the response.
TaggedBy Query information about Posts, Statuses, Photos, and other entities that have tagged the User or Page. This view is a derivative of the Wall connection where only entries that have tagged the Target User or Page will be returned. In general it is only available for Pages.
Television Query the TV shows a User is interested in. Accessing Television information may require the user_likes and user_interested permissions.
VideoInsightsByActionType Allows the retrieval of video insights by story action type.
VideoInsightsByDistributionType Allows the retrieval of video insights by distribution type.
VideoInsightsByReactionType Allows the retrieval of video insights by reaction type.
Videos Query Videos from a Target. Normally requires the user_videos permission.
Wall Query Posts from the Wall of a Target.