Managing Tasks

You can manage your tasks at different levels of Loome.

You can view a page of all tasks in the tenant, in a specific project or in a job.

You can filter these tasks, and edit tasks using task actions on the right of a task.

All Tasks in the Tenant

You can manage all tasks in your tenant on the Task page accessed from the top-right dropdown.

Tenant task page

Tasks in a Project

Or, while viewing a project you can click on View Tasks to view all tasks that belong to that specific project.

How to access the project task page

Tasks in a Job

On the job’s tasks page, you can also view the sequenced tasks per job. These are the tasks that a user has added to a specific job.

Below, you can also view all tasks that are available in this project, and you can directly add them to this job using Add on its right.

Job task page

Task Actions

On the right of a task, you can find task actions.

View Project

View Project will direct you to a page of project tasks that the task is a part of.

View project button

View Usage

View Usage will provide a list of jobs that the task is used in.

Usage button

You can then click on the link to be directed to the job that it has been sequenced in.

Job list

Delete Task

You can delete a task using delete on the right of the task.

You will be asked to confirm that you would like to delete the task.

Delete a task

Please note that the task will not be deleted if any other tasks or jobs depend on it, and you will need to modify this before deleting the task.

Sort and Filter

You can filter on tasks and columns on the overall tasks page and the project tasks page.

You can filter a list of tasks by clicking on the Filter button that appears when you hover over a column title.

Sort and Filter here

Use the text filter for task names, highlighted in the image below, to filter and search the list of tasks.

Search your job list

You can also filter your tasks by task type.

Search your job list

Sort Jobs

Sort the list of tasks using the arrow button that appears when you click on each column title, highlighted in the image below.

Click on the column title again to switch between ascending and descending order.

Sort the list by last execution

Filter on Columns

You can also filter on columns in the second filter tab, and choose to hide or show columns, pin columns to the left or right, autosize or reset your applied filters in the third filter tab.

Filter on columns

Reset Filters

Reset your filters by clicking on the filter button beside a column.

Select the right-hand filter tab, and then ‘Reset All Filters’.

Clear filters here

Hide or Display Columns

You can hide or display columns on the job page, for example the ‘Created by’ and ‘Created Date’ columns will be hidden by default.

You can use the second filter tab on any column filter to select which columns will be displayed or not.

Just select the checkboxes of the columns you would like to view.

Selecting columns