Generates views for historical and latest data from Persistent Staging tables.  
Task creation fails when first connection in connections list is a paused Azure DW connection.
Key column is excluded from Persistent Staging table.
Incremental Data Migration fails when target table has identity column.
Parameter values not updated when a parameter is deleted.
Copy All failing for Azure Blob Sources.
Creation of a new connection in Data Migration leaves the schema set to the first schema in the original default connection.
Similarity task failing when source column names contain spaces.
Similarity task failing when a column is added to the Match or Filter columns in MDS.
Persistent Staging fails when column name has special characters or is a keyword.
Data Migration fails when target schema name contains non-standard characters or starts with a number.
Data Migration fails when target is Azure DW and incrementally loaded with Refresh Period > 0.
File Definition Usage navigation to Task fails when in ‘All Projects’.
Removed the column listing when deleting from MDS; when choosing the ‘DataGovernor: Permanent delete…’ option for the Batch Type the column selection should be hidden.