Application Roles

There are currently three levels of user access at the application level. These roles can be assigned and edited by an Administrator. To modify the users of a specific project only, please read our guide here.

  • Administrator: Manages projects, users and tenant level settings. This role has full access to all site content.

  • Project Creator: Can create projects. Can view and run jobs, and view the execution history of jobs. Project creators will be added as a project owner in any projects that they create.

  • Consumer: Can view jobs, tasks and notifications.

Application Role Breakdown

Action Consumer Project Creator Administrator
View jobs and tasks in a tenant ✔ ✔ ✔
View execution logs and history of jobs ✔ ✔
Manage schedules for jobs ✔ ✔
Run jobs on demand ✔ ✔
Manage jobs ✔ ✔
Manage tasks ✔ ✔
Manage connections ✔
Manage file definitions ✔
Manage cluster definitions ✔
Manage tenant users and settings ✔
Manage agents ✔
View agent statuses ✔ ✔ ✔

Managing Users in a Loome Integrate Tenant

Administrators can perform operations such as adding and removing users and changing user roles on the Application Roles page.

Inviting Users to a Loome Integrate Tenant

Administrators can invite additional users to their Loome Integrate Tenant.

Click on Application Roles from the dropdown at the top-right of the screen.

top right-hand menu

Choose an application role.

Application role tabs

Then select ‘Add Members’.

manage users selection

This will expand a slideout where you can choose the type of member you would like to add.

Choose whether you want to add a user, a group or an API Key.

The following steps vary depending on whether your organization has enabled user or group lookup. Please contact your administrator if you would like to enable this.

Users that are guests to an organization can only add users manually.

Manually Add Users

Choose whether this will be a user or an API Key.

user type

If you choose to add a user, provide their email address (you can provide multiple users at once by separating them by a semi-colon) and then click on the ‘Add’ button.

If you choose to add an API key, choose an API key from the dropdown.

Submit the users to save and invite them to the tenant.

Add users

Search for Users and Groups

Choose whether you want to add a User or Group. If your organization has enabled lookup, you can search for a user or group in your organization.

Choose a user type


To add a user, you can search for a user by name.

Provide a user name

Click on your chosen users. They will be displayed beneath the dropdown.

Choose a user

You can also manually add an email address and select it as the first option from the dropdown.

Choose a user from the dropdown

Click on Submit to save the chosen user(s).

Submit users


To add a group, you can search for the group by name. You can then choose the group from the dropdown.

Choose a group

You can view the members of a group by selecting the group from the dropdown and clicking on the group icon beside it.

Loome will also display the email address, if available, for the group beside it.

View group members

Click on Submit to save the chosen group(s).

Submit users

Invited Users

The invited users will receive an email that notifies them that they have been added to the tenant.

The link in the email will direct them to your tenant. Whilst invited users do receive an email invitation, they do not need to specifically click on the link to accept the invitation. When the user logs in to Loome Integrate, they will automatically accept the invitation and will be able to access the tenant on login.

Deleting Users from a Tenant

Find the user on the application roles page.

Click on the Delete button at the end of a row beside the user’s name.

This will delete the user from this tenant and any project roles.

You cannot delete your own user account from a role. If you require your own account to be deleted from a role, a different administrator will need to delete the user account.

Delete a user

Deleting an API Key

Click on Delete at the end of a row beside the API Key.

Please note that deleting an API Key from all application roles will delete the API Key from the tenant, including the Remote Access page and from any project roles. If the API Key has multiple application roles, you will need to delete it from all application roles to also delete it from project roles and the Remote Access page.

Deleting a Group

Click on Delete at the end of a row beside the group.

Please note that deleting a group from an application role will not also delete all users from projects that any users of this group may have been added to.