Google Adwords
Connector for Google AdWords. Provides easy access to Google AdWords data, including Campaigns, AdGroups, Performance and more.
Task Type Support
This connection type supports the following task types:
Data Migration Support
This connection can be used in a Data Migration.
Usable as Source |
Usable as Target |
Usable as Incremental Source |
Usable as Incremental Target |
Connection String Templates
Template Name |
Description |
Google AdWords |
OAuth Access Token, Developer Token, Client Customer |
Connection Notes
- Google AdWords uses the OAuth authentication standard. In addition to the connection string Parameters, the Callback URL also should be specified for this connector. Set the
OAuth Properties (OAuth Client ID and OAuth Client Secret), Developer Token and ClientCustomerID. Set the CallBack URL also for this Connector. Once the Callback URL is set the OAuthAccessToken will be generated in the Connection string when you verify the Connection using the Verify Connection option.