Loome Agent may not start on Azure Container Instances


Some users deploying the Loome Agent on to Azure Container Instances, may encounter the following error:

(RegistryErrorResponse) An error response is received from the docker registry 'index.docker.io'. Please retry later. Code: RegistryErrorResponse

Azure Container Instances make use of docker images, which are self contained applications running in their own operating system.

As docker.io (known as Docker Hub) is the most popular platform for hosting docker images, this is where the Loome Agent image is hosted.

Why is this happening?

On June 30th 2024, docker.io implemented IP based rate-limiting for Azure Container Instances.

Many Azure Container Instances in a particular Azure Region can use the same IP address to pull a docker image from docker.io, causing rate-limiting to take effect on all instances involved.

How can I resolve this?

We are now mirroring our docker image on to quay.io, another popular docker image host. Quay.io does not implement IP based rate-limiting.

You can update your Azure Container Instance hosting the Loome Agent to pull the docker image from quay.io instead of docker.io.

The new image can be pulled from quay.io/loomesoftware/agent:latest.

Alternatively, you can supply a docker username and password for your Azure Container Instance if you wish to keep using docker.io.

Do I need to update my Loome Agent?

If you are running the Loome Agent on Azure Container Instances, we would recommend updating your agent to pull from quay.io to avoid future problems.

If you are hosting your Loome Agent on a Windows or Linux VM, or you are running the Loome Agent image on a platform other than Azure Container Instances, you do not need to update your agent.

How do I update my Loome Agent?

You will need to run the azure container command again with the updated image path.

You can automatically generate this command by using the Loome Agent setup wizard inside your Loome tenant.

  1. Log in to your Loome tenant as an Administrator
  2. Open the drop-down menu in the top right
  3. Click on ‘Agents’
  4. Once the Agents page opens, click on ‘Setup Agent’
  5. Click on ‘Azure Container Instances’
  6. Follow the wizard, completing the fields with the details of your existing Azure Container Instance
    • Check the Name and Resource Group of your existing Azure Container Instance
    • Check the CPU and Memory assigned to your existing Azure Container Instance
    • Check if an Azure Storage Account has been mounted on your Azure Container Instance
    • Check if an Azure Virtual Network and Subnet have been attached to your Azure Container Instance
  7. Run the provided command to redeploy the Azure Container Instance

What if I need help?

Please email support@loomesoftware.com, we can arrange a call to help you through the process.