Project Roles

You can choose which specific users can access a project to create audience-targeted projects with different levels of access.

Project Roles:

  • Owner – Can perform all roles within a project, including assigning users to roles within a project.
  • Contributor – Users in this role can create and edit jobs within the project.
  • Manager - This role allows users to run jobs, manage schedules, and view the execution history of jobs.
  • Member – Users can view jobs within a project.
Permission Owner Contributor Manager Member
Manage user access to the project ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖
Create and manage jobs in their project ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖
View and edit the tasks of all jobs in the project ✔ ✔ ✖ ✖
Can run all jobs, manage schedules, and view execution history of jobs within the project ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖
View jobs within the project ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Project Specific Connections, Cluster and File Definitions

Project Owners and Contributors can create their own connections, cluster definitions and file definitions, and by default these connections will only be available to the project they were created in. Administrators may choose to make these available in other projects.

An Administrator can limit connections, cluster definitions and file definitions to certain projects. This is useful for sensitive connections that should not be used by other teams in other projects. Please contact your administrator if you require any connections that are not available in your project.

How to Apply Project Roles

You can add users to project roles while creating a project or you can also edit these users after you have created your project.

If you are adding users after having already created your project, you can manage project roles via the button at the top-right of your project.

Click on Project Roles.

Choose project roles

Choose a project role from the tabs at the top of this section.

Project roles tabs

Click on Add Members at the top-right of this page.

The following steps vary depending on whether your organization has enabled user or group lookup.

Read more here to learn more about enabling user or group lookup. Please contact your administrator if you would like to enable this.

To learn about manually adding users, continue on to the following section.

To search for users and groups, you can follow our guide below in the next section.

Manually Add Users

If your organization has not enabled user or group lookup, you can manually add project members following the next few steps.

Choose whether you want to add a user or API Key.

User types

Add a User

Choose ‘Users’.

Add the email address into the user field and then click on + to add the user.

Add users to project roles

Added users will display above the submit button.

After you have added your chosen users, click on Submit to save and apply your project roles.

Add users to project roles

If a user that is added to a project does not have an application role, they will also be added to the tenant’s application roles as a ‘Consumer’.

If a user was already signed in at the time that their user role was changed, they will need to sign out and then sign back in to see the applied role changes.

Add an API Key

If you choose to add an API key, choose an API key from the dropdown and click Submit.

Add API keys to project roles

Search for Users and Groups

If your organization has enabled lookup, you can search for a user or group in your organization.

Choose whether you want to add a User or Group. The following steps will apply both when adding a user or group.

Choose a user type

To add a user or a group, you can search for the user or group by name.

Provide a user name

Click on your chosen users or groups. They will be displayed beneath the dropdown.

(Optionally, you can also manually add an email address and select it as the first option in the dropdown.)

Provide a user name

You can view the members of a chosen group by selecting the group from the dropdown and clicking on the group icon beside it. Loome will also display the email address, if available, for the group beside it. View members of group

Click on Submit to add the chosen user(s) or group(s).

Submit users