We have added new documentation for Import/Export using Github Actions Release Pipeline. It explains how to configure continuous integration and deployment of the import/export process. Please find our guide here.
We have added another check to ensure that all required connections are present, including taskConnections, before importing a tenant.
We have made some improvements to the descriptions of Import/Export in the UI.
If you have tasks that use the same name in different tenants, Loome Integrate will ask you to rename the duplicate task before importing.
Additional Aconex tables are now supported in the Aconex connector.
Loome Integrate will not overwrite any existing files (including YAML files) used for Git Hub Actions and pipelines while exporting to Git.
We have fixed an issue where a job was able to be scheduled for a past date, resulting in the next scheduled execution to be in the past.
In some particular instances, job schedules started jobs multiple times. We have resolved this issue and schedules will start jobs multiple times only if configured to be recurring.
When a job with no enabled tasks or an empty task list was run, it previously resulted in a critical error. We have fixed this issue and you will now be notified if you try to run a job with no enabled tasks or an empty task list.
We have fixed an issue that occurred when a job is dependent on a job that used the retry count. If a second job was dependent on a job that did not pass on its first attempt, the dependent second job would also fail. It would fail because it did not wait for the first job’s subsequent attempt that passed. We have resolved this issue so that a dependent job now waits for the number of attempts selected in the retry count to complete before starting.
When exporting jobs with schedules, Loome Integrate would cause a 500 error. We have fixed the issue so that it better handles schedule information.
We fixed the issue that occurred when editing an imported connection and it would fail when saved. The edits to the connection will now save and it will then direct users to the Connections page.
Version 2020.05.15.1
We have improved the Loome Integrate Agent by removing Identity column checks as it is not a necessary step, and this will prevent any issues this check may cause with the schema switch.
We now limit the size of logs in the agent. Loome Integrate previously did not limit unsafe logs. Users will be provided with a message that explains that their log message is too large.