21st of November, 2022


New Features

Azure Batch

We have completed an overhaul of the Azure Batch integration. Based on feedback around the task, we have implemented the ability to query VM and image sizes for your Batch account dynamically from the cluster creation screen.

We have also replaced the input and output connections on an Azure Batch task with a single ‘Azure File Share Storage’ connector instead, that will be mounted directly in to your VM or container. You can then import, export, and store files as needed.

Azure Batch should replace all usage of Azure Shipyard with these new changes, and we intend to deprecate Azure Shipyard in the future.

Please note that Azure Shipyard will be deprecated in later versions.

We have added support for containers in Azure Batch tasks. This allows workloads to be run on pre-configured containers supplied to the Azure Batch service. You can use these containers via a Cluster Definition with the type ‘Azure Batch Container Pool’.

Tenant Changes

We have improved the Tenant Settings page and added descriptions that provide more information about each setting and how it will affect Loome Integrate. We have also improved the user experience in regards to the speed and usability of sign in and sign out processes. As well as including the tenant name in the tenant URL so you can share links to specific jobs or tasks with your team.


We have introduced a new notification system. It can send email notifications as well as in-app notifications (including browser notifications).

You will notice a notification hub in the top right corner. In-app notifications will be sent to this hub. You can have a maximum of 50 notifications per user before older notifications will be removed.

Currently you can view agent status notifications in the hub. The agent status notification replaces the agent status bar. When an agent goes offline or comes online, you will now receive notifications via email and in-app. This provides a clearer picture of what is happening with your agents.

You also have the ability to opt out of notifications. Emails will have a link to opt out, however in-app notifications for the agent status are mandatory.

Please let us know if you would like other event notifications. We will expand these notifications in the future.

Agent Installation and Lifecycle

We have made several improvements to agent installation and lifecycle.

  • We have replaced the Azure RM PowerShell commands with Azure CLI and Azure Az PowerShell commands to keep up with current Microsoft tools.
  • We have also added an option to the installation command line for Windows and Linux to perform a silent installation.
  • We have also removed the PowerShell remoting requirement for Windows agents and added Sudo as a prefix to the Linux installation to avoid installation permission issues.
  • And finally, we have improved the agent so that when an external factor causes the agent process to be terminated ungracefully, the agent will inform the service that any running tasks at the time of the termination have failed. This will be reflected in the Job status and logs.

Logging Service

We have added a new logging service to Loome Integrate. The new logging service allows more logs to be stored for your jobs. You can also download a log file for your job execution, which contains the logs for your chosen job execution and each task. In the future, we will provide an option to integrate your logging systems with this logging service.

When updating your agent, the agent service will now communicate with au-logging.loomesoftware.com or us-logging.loomesoftware.com.

You will need to update any outbound firewall rules accordingly for the new logging service. And you will also need to download a new copy of the agent installation script from your tenant’s ‘Agent’ page.

This new service is backwards compatible with existing agents. We recommend updating your agent for future releases where we will depreciate the current agent logging service.

New Connectors

We have added a new connector for MYOB Online and Epicor to help integrate your data.


  • New tasks will default to the first agent that is online in your agent dropdown, rather than the first agent in the list that may be offline.
  • We improved the list views of jobs, sequenced tasks, project tasks, and logs on each of their pages. You can sort, filter, search and select columns across these lists. We plan to improve remaining lists in the near future.
  • You can now use GIT connections on container agents.
  • You can create API keys with the Group Admin role permission. This will allow you to perform tasks such as creating projects programmatically.
  • We have updated the code text editor, which includes code styling for all code types, across all code text editors in Integrate such as the SQL Statement task type and connection editor.
  • We have updated the Google Analytics driver to support the new GA4 API.
  • Improved the tenant name validation for selecting a valid tenant name when signing up to Integrate or editing your existing tenant name.
  • Added support for Zuora environments outside of the main US production environment.
  • Background token renewal errors for OAuth tokens on certain connectors will now appear as notifications so the end user can take action when notified.
  • Updated the Salesforce connector to a version that supports the Bulk API.
  • We added the ability to override the NVidia driver version for Azure Shipyard tasks.
  • Clickable links across the application now include the tenant name, so you can copy them directly and send them to other users.
  • Loome Integrate now includes the tenant name in the URL, which can also be seen in your email notification links.
  • Stored procedures are now alphabetically organized.


  • Fixed an issue where the task cleanup parameter was being ingested as an Azure Shipyard parameter and causing the task to fail.
  • Fixed a typo in the home page message regarding no connections.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a different connection template did not update the connection string window.
  • Resolved issues with the licensing service occasionally failing to validate a tenant.


This update requires agent version - 2022.11.21.1

Please download a new install script and update your agent to use new features, improvements, and fixes.

This version of the agent requires you to download a new install script for the agent from your tenant’s ‘Agent’ page.

New Features

Agent Installation and Lifecycle

We have improved the agent so that when an external factor causes the agent process to be terminated ungracefully, the agent will inform the service that any running tasks at the time of the termination have failed. This will be reflected in the Job status and logs.

Azure Batch

We have added support for Azure Batch. This includes the ability to query VM and image sizes for your Batch account, a single ‘Azure File Share Storage’ connector, and support for containers in Azure Batch tasks. To use Azure Batch you will need to update your agent. Please read more above.

Logging Service

When updating your agent, the agent service will now communicate with au-logging.loomesoftware.com or us-logging.loomesoftware.com.

Please update any outbound firewall rules accordingly, and download a new version of the agent install script.

This new service is currently backwards compatible with existing agents.


  • You can now use GIT connections on container agents.
  • We have updated the Google Analytics driver to support the new GA4 API.
  • Added support for Zuora environments outside of the main US production environment.
  • Updated the Salesforce connector to a version that supports the Bulk API.
  • We have added an Epicor connector.
  • We added the ability to override the NVidia driver version for Shipyard tasks.


  • We fixed an issue where the task cleanup parameter was being ingested as a Shipyard parameter and causing the task to fail.